Sale & supply of alcohol

It is illegal for us to sell liquor to anyone under the age of 18. It is illegal to buy liquor when under the age of 18. It is also illegal to make a false declaration of age in order to purchase liquor. If you are under the age of 18, please do not attempt to use this site to purchase liquor.

General terms and conditions

Terms, conditions and policies are subject to change without notice. Beer Hug is not responsible for late or delayed shipments or system failures. Beer Hug retains title to items purchased until said items are paid for by the purchaser and at that time the title passes to purchaser. All trademarks and registered trademarks are used to benefit and without intent to infringe on the holder of the mark. The Beer Hug logo and all other distinctive logos, marks and graphic elements are trademarks of Friends of Craft Limited and are subject to applicable trademark protections. Beer Hug is not responsible under any legal theory for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages because of (i) delay in delivery, (ii) availability of products, (iii) personal injury arising from products purchased from us or (iv) failure of performance of any product purchased from us.

Law and jurisdiction

Beer Hug is the trading entity of Friends of Craft Limited - NZ Company Number 7313556, located at 21 Telford Ave Balmoral Auckland 1041. Friends of Craft Limited is the holder of a Liquor License (TBC). Any sales of alcohol made via this internet site will be made on that liquor license. The applicable law for transactions for the purchase of alcohol on this internet site are the laws of New Zealand. The Laws of Sale and contract by any other country do not apply. By placing an order with you accept that the ownership of the goods passes to the customer upon payment and dispatch of the goods from our brewery partners. All product will arrive to you Duty and GST Paid. You will not be liable for any additional charges.